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About the Traditions That Continue During Ramadan

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About the Traditions That Continue During Ramadan

Traditions That have Been Going On for Years during Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a holy time when spirituality reaches its peak in the Islamic world, worship and solidarity intensify. Shaped by traditions that have continued from the past to the present, this blessed month is special and meaningful for Muslims. Traditions such as fasting, sahur and iftar Decrees, tarawih prayers strengthen the spiritual depth at the core of the month of Ramadan and at the same time bring communities together. The roots of this tradition have the purpose of praying together, strengthening cooperation, love and tolerance.

Here are these traditions that have been going on for many years during the Month of Ramadan;

Ramadan Drummer

The drummer, who is the harbinger of the arrival of Ramadan, wakes people up every evening by walking the streets before the time of sahur. He sings manias to people to break the Fast and is the drummer of Ramadan. This tradition has been going on for centuries and keeps the spirit of Ramadan alive.

Ramadan Drummer

Iftar and Sahur Ball

Iftar and Sahur Ball

The Iftar ball is a tradition that indicates the opening of fasts with the sound of a cannon fired after the last adhan of the day. These cannon shots are used to inform fasting Muslims that it is time for Iftar. This tradition has a history extending from the Ottoman period to the present day. The sound of the cannon informs the whole community that Iftar has started in the streets and neighborhoods. It is an important symbol of the month of Ramadan. This tradition has come down from the past to the present, but in sahur time, sahur tapu was stopped from being discarded after a long time.

Ramadan Pita Bread

Ramadan Pita Bread

Pita, which is one of the indispensable flavors of Ramadan, is the crown of Iftar tables. The month of Ramadan has become a cultural and tradition in Turkey and many Islamic countries. Ramadan pita bread is served hot at Iftar tables. With its soft texture and fresh smell, Ramadan pita bread is considered one of the indispensable flavors of Iftar tables. Ramadan pita Decoction symbolizes the spiritual and social unity of the month of Ramadan and is an important element that brings families and communities together at Iftar tables. Different pita varieties are made in each region.



Güllaç, which is the sweet tradition of the month of Ramadan, is a light and delicious dessert. Güllaç is a traditional dessert unique to Turkish cuisine. It takes place especially frequently on the tables during Ramadan and is considered one of the indispensable flavors of this month.

Iftar Tables

Iftar tables are the most special and shared moments of the month of Ramadan. In addition to güllaç, pita and many other delicacies, iftar tables are equipped with various foods and drinks such as olives, cheese, dates, water, soup. Family members and guests come together at the table, prayers are said, fasts are Deciphered together. Iftar tables create a spiritual atmosphere that emphasizes feelings of solidarity and sharing.

Iftar Tables

Every year during Ramadan, these delicacies and Decanters bring families, neighbors and friends together and create an atmosphere of spiritual unity. These traditions contribute to making the month of Ramadan a special and meaningful period.

Iftar Tent

Iftar Tent

Iftar tents are known as temporary structures set up by aid organizations or charities, especially during Ramadan, to distribute free iftar meals to those in need. These tents play an important role in order to strengthen the culture of solidarity, Decoupling and sharing among Muslim communities.

Ramadan Allowance

Ramadan Allowance

On the last day of Ramadan, children go around the houses and collect pocket money. This tradition gives children joy and excitement.

night of Qadir

The Night of Power, which is one of the most important nights of the month of Ramadan, is considered a better night than a thousand months. It is a great reward to spend this night worshipping.

Holiday Preparations

At the end of Ramadan, preparations for Eid al-Fitr begin. Holiday cleaning is done, new holidays are bought and festive desserts are prepared. Here are some festive preparations

  • Festive Shopping Is Done.
  • Holiday Cleaning, decoration
  • Festive Food and Dessert Preparations 
  • Visit and Guest Plans 
  • Donations and assistance to those who are not in good financial condition.



On the first day of Eid al-Fitr, families and friends come together to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Dec. During the celebration, the elders kiss the hands of the little ones, and the children receive pocket money from the elders. These traditions keep alive the spiritual atmosphere of the month of Ramadan and provide tolerance and optimism in society.



Another important symbol of the month of Ramadan is mahyas. Decking are lights that are hung on ropes stretched between the minarets of mosques and contain religious messages.

Tarawih Prayer

Tarawih Prayer

The tarawih prayer, which is made special for the month of Ramadan, is a prayer performed together with the congregation. Tarawih prayer Decrees the spiritual atmosphere of the month of Ramadan and brings Muslims together.

Prayer of Hatim

Prayer of Hatim

During the month of Ramadan, the Noble Qur'an is recited and hatim is sent down. The Hatim prayer is a prayer performed on the occasion of the recitation of the entire Qur'an.

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