Automobile World

Items That Should Not Be Left in Hot Weather in Vehicles

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Items That Should Not Be Left in Hot Weather in Vehicles

What Happens to Items Left in Hot Weather in Vehicles?

Can items left in hot weather in vehicles encounter various problems? Here are the problems that can happen in hot weather;

  • Deforming and Melting: Some items, such as plastics, resins or other thermoplastic materials, are very sensitive to temperature rise, and these materials may melt or lose their shape.
  • Discoloration: Especially colored fabrics and plastics can fade over time when exposed to sunlight.
  • Damage to Electronic Devices: Smartphones, tablets or other electronic devices may be damaged under extreme temperatures. Battery life may be reduced or the internal components of the device may be damaged.
  • Spoilage of Food and Beverages: Food and beverages left in the hot vehicle may deteriorate or ferment faster. Especially in sensitive products such as milk, this situation may be more pronounced.
  • Fire Risk: Some substances, especially flammable substances, may pose a fire risk when exposed to high temperatures.

For these reasons, it is important to be careful to prevent items left in the vehicle from being damaged due to sunlight or the temperature inside the vehicle during hot weather. If possible, it is better to store such items away from sunlight and in a cool place.

Items That Should Not Be Left in Hot Weather in Vehicles

Live Animals

Live Animals Left In The Vehicle

This is especially true for dogs and cats. Animals left in the vehicle can quickly be exposed to temperature stress under extreme temperatures and may experience life-threatening conditions. Even for a short period of time, it should be avoided to leave animals in the vehicle.


Chemical Items Left In The Vehicle

Some medications may deteriorate or lose their effectiveness at high temperatures. This is especially true for prescription drugs. Excessive temperature can change the chemical structure of drugs and reduce or increase their effect.

Food and Drinks

Food Items Left In The Vehicle

Food and beverages can deteriorate or rot quickly under extreme temperatures when left inside the vehicle. This is especially true for dairy products, meat products and water-based beverages. It is important that such products should not be left in the vehicle during hot weather.

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products Left In The Vehicle

Makeup products, perfumes and similar cosmetic products may lose their quality or undergo changes under extreme temperatures. The components of some cosmetic products can decompose or react at high temperatures, which can cause the products to become unusable.

Electronic Devices

Electronic Items Left In The Vehicle

Mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices may be damaged or at risk of not working under extreme temperatures. Excessive temperature can cause damage or melting of electronic components, which can lead to devices becoming dysfunctional.

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Lighters Or Explosive Materials Left In The Vehicle

Flammable substances such as cigarettes, newspapers, and other explosive chemicals can be dangerous under high temperatures and pose an explosion risk. Leaving such substances in the vehicle may cause serious safety risks and pose a fire or explosion hazard.

Categories : Automobile World