Automobile World

What Causes Sunburn in vehicles?

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What Causes Sunburn in vehicles?

What Causes Sunburn in vehicles?

Sunburn in vehicles is a condition that usually occurs when the sun's rays are exposed to the exterior surfaces of the vehicle for a long time. The main factors that cause sunburn are:

  • Exposure to UV Rays

The sun's rays include various types of light, including ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays can cause chemical changes, especially in materials such as plastics, rubber and paint, when exposed to the exterior surfaces of the vehicle for a long time. By weakening the structure of these materials, it can cause discoloration, matting or cracks.

Sunburn in Vehicles
  • Heat Effect

The sun's rays also heat the exterior surfaces of the vehicle. This heat can lead to the expansion of the substances contained in it and deformation over time. Especially dark-colored vehicles or their interiors may be more exposed to the effects of the sun in hot weather.

  • Lack of Paint Protection

The paints and varnishes used on the exterior surfaces of the vehicles provide protection against the sun's rays. But over time, these protective layers can erode or become damaged. It may be more prone to sunburn, especially in vehicles that are not regularly maintained.

  • Surface Materials

The materials used on the exterior surfaces of vehicles may not be resistant to the sun. Especially plastic and rubber materials may show fading, yellowing or cracking when exposed to sunlight for a long time.

  • Constant Parking in an Outdoor Environment

When vehicles are constantly parked in the outdoor environment, especially in places where they are exposed to direct sunlight, the risk of sunburn increases. Vehicles parked for a long time in open areas or under intense sun are more affected.

How to Protect Vehicles From Sunburn?

There are several ways to protect your vehicles from sunburn. To protect your vehicles, especially in hot areas where the sun is effective or in summer, you can follow these steps::

Sunburn Tools
  • Use a Sunshade or Canopy

When choosing your car parking space, make sure to park in a shaded area if possible. Places such as under trees, indoor parking lots, or structures that block the sun can help protect your vehicle from the harmful effects of the sun.

  • Use Window Film

Window films can help reduce the temperature inside your car and reduce the harmful effects of sunlight. Solar films, which block most of the UV rays, also prevent color fading in the interior.

  • Use a Lid or Cover

Araba park edildiğinde, aracınızın ön camına bir güneşlik veya kapak yerleştirebilirsiniz. Bu, iç ortam sıcaklığını düşürerek aracınızı güneşin doğrudan etkilerinden korur.

  • Düzenli Bakım ve Temizlik

Vehicle paint provides protection against the sun, so it is important to wash your car regularly and apply polish. It also provides an additional protection against sunburn by preventing the thickening of the dust and dirt layer on the surface of your vehicle. Oct.

  • Interior Maintenance

The surfaces inside the vehicle may fade or crack as they are exposed to the sun's rays. You can reduce these effects by regularly cleaning the interior and treating the interior surfaces with UV protective products.

  • Air Conditioning and Air Purification Filters

When the temperature is high in the vehicle, the air conditioning system can be used regularly to keep the interior cool. In addition, you can maintain the internal air quality of the vehicle by regularly maintaining the air conditioning system and changing the air purification filters.

How to Get Rid of Sunburn in The Car?

Sunburn on the vehicle is a problem that is usually seen in the form of discoloration, matting or cracking that occurs on paint or exterior surfaces. To fix sunburnt areas, you can follow the following steps::

Before and After The Sunburn in The Vehicle
  • Clean the Surface: The first step is to thoroughly clean the sunburned areas of the vehicle. To do this, first wash the vehicle to remove dust and dirt. Then clean the surface with soapy water or a suitable cleaner. This will make the process more effective by removing dirt and contaminants from around the surface.
  • Sunburn Relief Products: There are specially formulated sunburn relief products on the market. These products usually help to reduce discoloration and matting on the paint. Read the instructions of the product you purchased carefully and use it in accordance with the application guidelines.
  • Pay Attention to the Ambient Temperature: Park the vehicle in a shaded or cool area before applying sunburn relieving products. Application under high temperatures may adversely affect the performance of the product.
  • Apply the Product: Shake the sunburn remover product thoroughly before applying and apply it to the surface in circular movements with a soft microfiber cloth or applicator sponge. Make sure that the product is compatible with the paint on the surface.
  • Pay Attention to the Drying Time: After applying the product, leave it to dry for the time specified by the manufacturer. At the end of this period, gently wipe off the excess product with a clean cloth. Jul.
  • Apply Polish: After applying the sunburn remover product, you can apply a polish or a protective coating to protect the outer surface of the vehicle. This protects the paint surface against the harmful effects of the sun and provides a longer-lasting result.
  • Get Professional Help: If the sunburn is very pronounced or extensive, you may need to get help from a professional detainer or auto painter for the paint correction process. Professional intervention may be more effective, especially for deep cracks or discoloration.
Categories : Automobile World